
Proud Member of the Pickle Jar Chess Club!    - Check it out, it's a fun club!


Looks like another nosy person wants to learn more about me...

Well here's 3 interesting facts about myself:

  • I never say no to pickles (Wow big surprise!). My favorite is Dill, but I also like Cornichons.
  • I am 50% British, but live in the US
  • I play the Euphonium (Even chess.com auto-correct doesn't know what it is so you might have to look that one up) - listen to First Suite in E flat by Gustav Holst while you're at it too, it's an amazing piece!
  • My biggest hobby is birding, or bird-watching. I have seen over 250 species internationally!
        • One of my favorite American birds is the Cerulean Warbler but there are SO MANY other amazing birds, it's impossible to include them all here
  • Je suis un étudient de français. J'ai visité Paris au printemps dernier. 

Message me if you have questions or similar interests! happy.png


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