I love anyone and everyone for who they are I am taken by the love of my life so f off please. I would love to have a bunch of friends and people to talk to so if ur lonely hit me up I am ready to talk for hours lol btw I am 14 I turn 15 in December. so im SLOWLY going insane im broken i have an abusive family im bi and poly and alot of other thing but i am taken i have the best people in the world by my side they are the only ones keeping me alive at the moment i love anyone and everyone for who they are and i wish to treat them as they wish to b treated i will not and i mean will not tolerate bullying of any kind i hate people who r bullys i will find u if u bully one of my friends or lovers like u r so dead if u do but i have the best people by my side i am happy where i am at i have run away 2 times now and i have ended up back at the house cause they found me but i might do it again and if i come to u asking for help I really need it btw i want more friends so if yall are lonly hit me up i will talk for hours lol but if u want to come join my club its the LGBTQIA+ club come join us for some fun and anything else that u need. im married to the best FRIKEN person in the world I love him he's the best most sweetest person ever ghost I love u with all my heart and I will do anything for u my love. my hubby is going into war so please send care for him and I love him way to much for him to die so keep living my soldier I will always love u forever and ever no matter what happens
GWDFI chess community
GWDFI chess community 11 թիմակիցներ
Blind Dating
Blind Dating 460 թիմակիցներ
Midnight Club
Midnight Club 189 թիմակիցներ
yug private
yug private 2 թիմակիցներ
Palestine Heart's
Palestine Heart's 24 թիմակիցներ