Greetings, traveler. Typically, any friend requests sent my way are joyful accepted. However, my activity on is now quite rare so acceptances may take awhile. I am extremely terrible at chess but my invalid excuse is because of a 'lack' of time I have to study chess. Anyway, that's me and I wish you a positively eventful rest of your day.

Brawl Stars Fan Club Leadership
Brawl Stars Fan Club Leadership 21 թիմակիցներ
Clash Royale Discussion Club
Clash Royale Discussion Club 57 թիմակիցներ
USChess - Members Only
USChess - Members Only 3 450 թիմակիցներ
The Brawl Stars Fan Club
The Brawl Stars Fan Club 808 թիմակիցներ
Boylston Chess Club
Boylston Chess Club 405 թիմակիցներ