The Official Federation Of Curacaoan Mechanic Creamy Dinosaurs

8 חברי מועדון
10 במאי 2023
0 Events Played

Once there was a Hamster named Jack. He was quite a rude one, and had a lot of money. He lived in a 14-meter mansion in Hamsterdam. He spent most of his days locked up in his house watching his soap operas and eating snacks. One day he decided he wanted to live, he wanted to explore, and do what no multimillionaire hamster has ever done before! So he put on his shoes and went outside for a walk. It was a very nice day. The weather was perfect, the summer breeze blew through his fur, everything was great. Jack hated this day. He wore a big frown on his face all day long, with nothing to smile about. He walked down North hamster avenue and took a left. He spotted a cafe a block away. He started walking towards the cafe, still mad at nothing. Once he got to the cafe he sat down and ordered a Grilled hamster pellet sandwich with a side of Carrot soup. His food got to his table around 15 minutes after he arrived. “Here you go, sir,” the waiter said while handing Jack his food. “What took you so long??” Jack yelled at the waiter. The waiter turned around, eyeing Jack with a surprised expression on his face. “What do you mean, sir?”. Jack’s face turned a bright fuchsia. “You know EXACTLY what I mean!!” He exclaimed. The whole cafe turned around to look at the conversation. “Sorry sir- uhm-” “DON”T YOU ‘UHM’ AT ME!!!” Jack roared. Every human knows that a hamster roaring isn’t too loud, but when you’re a hamster sitting at a cafe, you’re lucky to walk out of there alive. “Sir, maybe you could relax-” The waiter said, looking scared and hurt. “I RELAX? YOU RELAX!” Jack screamed. It sounded like thunder. He pulled out his hamsterphone 14 and gave the cafe a review of 1 star. “I'M OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!” Jack slammed the door behind him. The waiter, in shock, turned around and went into the kitchen to serve another meal. Jack stormed back home, feeling so angry he could explode. Little did he know what was in for him that night. Jack stormed up to his room and threw himself on his bed, grunting. Suddenly there was a knock on the door of his mansion. Even though Jack was on the third floor, he screamed so loudly that it could be heard all the way from Hamsterfornia! “WHAT DO YOU WANT???????” He roared. He darted downstairs and opened the door. It was a Hamazon employee. “Delivery for… Jack Annoyingface III? The employee murmured. “Yes, yes, that is indeed me, now hand me the stinkin’ package and get lost”. The employee stepped down from Jack’s porch, opened the gate, got into his Hamazon truck and drove off to deliver more packages. “Now what could this be…” Jack mumbled to himself. He unfolded the package and found a gun-looking sort of machine. “I never ordered this…” Jack said, confused. He took a closer look at the device. “Hmmmmmm…” Jack thought. He lifted the device out of the package and examined it when he accidentally clicked the button! A huge ray of light shot out of the device, blowing Jack against the wall. Beep! Beep! Beep! Went the device. It let out a final beep and Jack fell back. Suddenly he could feel himself shrinking, shrinking, shrinking until he was the size of half an ant! “NO, NO, NO!!!” Jack screamed in disappointment. He started freaking out and rampaging around his kitchen. “WOAH!!!” Jack was heading straight for the sink! He tried to pull back but it was no use. He fell, landing on the faucet, then falling and closing the sink! Now there was nothing to drain the water! The sink started filling up with water and Jack noticed an empty soup can that he’d thrown in the sink earlier. He plopped in the can and started rising! The water was elevating him. Now the sink was full and the whole house was filling with water! Soon, everything was filled, top to bottom, and little Jack was on the roof screaming for help! And no, Jack did not end up in the OCEAN in a can, but we find him in his water-filled house in a can! And everyone (except Jack) Lived happily ever after.


The end!! (Jack’s sink water is all the way in Burlinghamster by now)