


I am presently playing in the King's Small Tournament, Round 2.  I have completed play with all of my opponents except one, who has been on vacation since the beginning of the round.  He or she is white but has not yet moved.  The round started on August 2nd and now it is the 28th.  My opponent still has over 3 days of vacation left.  My opponent has not violated any rules set up by the tournament  director or the web sight, yet I feel my opponent has been allowed to violate the spirit of fair play by being absent.  This is a situation created by the folks at, although I'm sure unintensionally  and I realize that it takes time and experience to set up an effective sight. has done a great job!  Thank you!  I am bringing up this issue to make it even a better place to play chess.  If you want to play in a tournament, play if not, go on vacation!  Thanks for listening!


piratedog wrote:

I am presently playing in the King's Small Tournament, Round 2.  I have completed play with all of my opponents except one, who has been on vacation since the beginning of the round.  He or she is white but has not yet moved.  The round started on August 2nd and now it is the 28th.  My opponent still has over 3 days of vacation left.  My opponent has not violated any rules set up by the tournament  director or the web sight, yet I feel my opponent has been allowed to violate the spirit of fair play by being absent.  This is a situation created by the folks at, although I'm sure unintensionally  and I realize that it takes time and experience to set up an effective sight. has done a great job!  Thank you!  I am bringing up this issue to make it even a better place to play chess.  If you want to play in a tournament, play if not, go on vacation!  Thanks for listening!

best of luck to you...I think you get a better response by talking to a brick wall.


I can taste your bitterness, Bodhidharma!  I'm sure its based upon experience!  I can only hope that someone who can make a difference is listening.  Please "brick wall' address this issue!  The one named "Eric", will he not respond?  Is there no justice?  Are there no work houses?  Are there no prisons?  (Dickens, "A Christmas Carol")  Tiny Tim, help us everyone!


I think there is a thread or two already about this topic. One thing they did to address it was to re-vamp the vacation allotment system. But - current members were grandfathered in, in a sense. New players I think only get 7 days of vacation, and it accrues per month.


I know how you feel.Is anyone else feed up with people running out of time for a move only for them to be put on vacation automatically, defeats the porpuse of having a clock


Vacations can be very useful - for instance next month we are going to Hawaii for 10 days and I do not plan on taking my computer - I am not starting any games in the hope that what I have started will be finished -


On the other hand I too am being held hostage ina tournament where my opponent has made only two moves and went on vacation for what seems like a long time ago - it would be more helpful/understandable if when going on vacation they would also communicate to all current games when they will be back.

I agree that the automatic switch to vacation when out of time should be eliminated - at least for tournament play