I think The person that started the tournament started it
Question about Tournaments starting "asap"
Talk about a delayed response (4 months later). That's ok. Thanks anyway. Better late than never, right?
Yeah, I have also noticed that if a tournament DOES have a scheduled start time, it STILL waits for the TD to start it. I guess the "Start time" is more of a guideline than a rule.
Since tournaments that are set up to start "asap" can start without the TD clicking on the "begin" button, is there a way to make tournaments with a specific start time actually start at that time? I've seen a lot of confusion in tournaments when the top of the home page says that the tounament started x number of hours/days ago, and yet no one has any opponents/games to play yet.
I know that as a Tournament Director you can click the "Begin Tournament" button at any time and start the ball rolling. I know that if there is a scheduled start time, it will not start automatically when registration's full (from what I've read on here anyway). I know that tournaments which begin "asap" will begin as soon as registration is full.
My question is this: If a tournament is scheduled to begin "asap" is there a time limit at which point the tournament stops waiting for registration to fill up and begins with however many people are already registered?
I'm in "The Wizard Cup" tournament which was scheduled to begin "asap" and had a maximum of 100 players. The tournament began with only 46 people registered. Was this an automatic function?
Just curious. Thanx.