
New here


I know I'm new here, I have recently started taking the game seriously again after losing my little brother from a car accident almost two years ago.  I have played in tournaments, but the 2 yr break has done no good for my chess.

My question is this, is there anyway a tournament could be set up where players had only a night, say 4 hrs for 40 moves, to finish a game, more like a tourey face to face.  I say this because we all know that internet connections are bad and what not and this would be a fun way to have a more fast paced 'normal' tournament without the hassle of 'disconnections.'

Thanks for your time...


sorry about your brother but welcome back to chess

as for the tournament time thing it sounds like you are wanting to start a "live" chess tournament

check out the live chess section, there might be something there that will help


I can't dl firefox and the system seems shaky anyway....

Not complaining about the site, the 'slow' version just seems more stable all around is all, and I wondered if something like I described above had been done, and if it had, if it was going to be done again some time.


I haven't heard of ot being done but i have heard of it being asked before

I checked out the live chess part and I saw nothing for tournaments at all.


as far as I can see 1 day per move is the lowest time frame for a tournament

you can ask though and request to see if they will add that feature

This site is very good about taking input from it's members