
Judges/Tournament Officals?


I have a question.  I do not know to much about chess tournaments.  It is my understanding that in a chess tournament that is face to face or I believe OTB as  I think some call it there is a time limit.  Several people play chess and a clock is running to not allow people to not take forever.  What I am suggesting is that even though this is not OTB tournament, there should be a time limit on the online tournament.  That either by number of moves suggesting for Example 60 or number of days Example 90 days if 80% of those in the tournament have finished the Round in the tournament that Judges or Officals make a decision about remaining games as to the person winning by either points of pieces having an advantage or positional advantage, or combination of both.  In other words people make a decision about who is most likely to win.  I would also suggest that those judges not be involved in the tournament.  I would also suggest that the number of judges be an uneven number so when the votes are cast there is a decision that does not end a tie.  I would suggest either 3 or 5 judges.  There might be some other requirements for judges also.  Not exactly sure what those requirements would be.  What are your thoughts on this idea?  Looking forward to your comments.


i totally agree... especially about the time limit in online tournaments


we're thinking about all of this. thank you!


What about on top of having time-per-move also add time-per-game?  For example you have 3 days per move, but a sum of your total used time can't exceed 50 days.  That way you could easily predict when's the latest a tournament round could end (in this case 100 days)