
Can anyone join??


I'm starting to wonder if anyone can join my tournaments. I had one person join and then nobody joined for a while, so i remade it with broader settings, and now no one has joined... it's called fast and average, basically <1300 and <6hrs per move. also less then 10% timeout...

To be honest, I can't find the tournament you mention above, perhaps that is part of the problem?
here is a link to it.
yeah, how can you possibly agree to play a move every 6 hours.  You wouldnt be able to get any sleep for weeks!
Um yeah time control is not the same as max avg time per move.
oh right, it's a condition for entry.  Makes much more sense now! 
6hrs per move just means you make at least 4 moves per game, per day...
JB4times4 wrote:

I'm starting to wonder if anyone can join my tournaments. I had one person join and then nobody joined for a while, so i remade it with broader settings, and now no one has joined... it's called fast and average, basically <1300 and <6hrs per move. also less then 10% timeout...

 i setup a 1300 and under before and people joined,i did invite alot off people though,invite and they will,i invited new members to so they got to see what it was like to play in a tourney

the confusion of this thread pretty much explains the lack of entriesTongue out
No, the tournament already started! Tongue out