Flags tell, my friend, granted that relies on people telling the truth. I think it would be pretty easy to implement a flag checker that checks for matches and checks it off if you've played someone from there.
View how many countries you've played chess players from
I do, so that makes at least one, therefore disproving your statement . All joking aside, it just seems dumb to make up where one is from!
That's true. Wouldn't know what to do with them. Despite some of the things I hate about America right now, I'll certainly throw up the flag of my heritage and I don't understand why others wouldn't do the same. Oh well I guess. Thanks for the input!
Why would anyone not want to show pride in their country by selecting it? Seems ridiculous not to. I would venture to say that more are honest than dishonest about it. There seems to me to be no reason not to just put your own flag.
Honestly, I think this is a pretty cool idea. I don't really mind the fact that a lot of people don't pick the flag of where they're actually playing (or where they're from, if that's the flag that they prefer). I think enough people are "honest" to make the feature somewhat meaningful, even if it can't be used as an exact indicator of geographic distribution.
I would prefer them to include the endless quiz in V3
Now please tell me that it is included and I haven't found it yet.
I think it would be really cool if there was a stat that showed a listing of countries that one has played another person in chess on chess.com. Just a simple listing of countries and a checkbox beside each that you had played someone from. I realize that this is not really something of value to the game itself or even the website itself but it would be cool, nonetheless. I know one can look through their list of previously played games to find this out (and keep track of it) but that seems a little daunting when one has played 1000s of games. Thoughts?