
Quitting a group


I don't know if there is or not, but there should be a provision to manage your previously banned members anyway just in case you have a change of heart and want to "unban" someone.  This would also give you a view of who you had banned.

TheGrobe wrote:

I don't see a conflict there:

Delete = Delete
Ban = Ban + Delete (Proposed)

The provision to delete only is already there -- would anyone really want to ban only?  What good is a ban without a delete?

I think there are only 2 occasions why a team leader would ban without delete:

1. Because they didn't know the way the system works.

2. Because they are deliberately being vindictive!!


It's pretty clear that Pling has contacted the group leader (see original post) and this person has declined to remove/delete him so is just being "vindictive" as blackfirestorm put it.  I can't see any reason why anyone would want to have the 2 functionalities.


Edited my own post to add;

Rather than debating why there are two buttons, and keeping the thread positive, what are the proposed ideas?

TheGrobe has put his forward to start this off.


To be fair, it was initially Blackfirestorm666's suggestion.


Personally I think this has just simply evolved from the original post being that the OP was receiving alerts for a vote chess game he cannot remove himself from because he has been banned but not deleted. 

All in all this should be related in that if a team leader clicks on ban then the member should be banned AND deleted!! 

If they have been banned and deleted from a group they should no longer receive alerts from the group!! 

kohai wrote:

Some group leaders just want to delete a member, they don't necessarily want to ban them.



Thanks, kohai, for clairifying.

Can you see any reason why a group leader want to ban a member, without deleting him, or whatever takes him off the list for alerts? (edit:) - I beleive you do, and I think it's a shame that, provides this oppurtunity of abuse for the group leaders.

I have experienced myself, a group leader who refuses to delete me from his list, though he had suddenly banned me from my favorite football-supporter-firm, shortly after I reported him for breaking the rules of chess - by offering consulting for team matches we were playing. has become quite a vaste community,  but with a book of rules as thin as a dollar-bill. Surely realize that self appointed leaders are not always fit to rule a major group, and your failor to protect your members and seemingly lack of interest in doing so, certainly will make me reconsider renewing my payed membership, in the future.


I think that's a little overboard.  It's a loophole in the way the ban and delete functions interact, and if it's being used to effectively harass members I'd suggest that's something for the Report Abuse function.  My take is that Kohai's response constitutes an initial misunderstanding of the directionality of the question, not a refusal to acknowledge the issue.

The bottom line is that if you don't like the way a group is being run you can quit it -- start a competing one even.  If this functional gap is being used in an abusive manner, report it.  If you want to help improve the site, try a more constructive approach.


Then I'm sorry, if I misread him.

pling wrote:

Then I'm sorry, if I misread him.

Kohai is a lady Smile


I apologize.


ah, I sense an air of resolution coming to this particular conflict with regards to one being banned/deleted which we all can support.

This does not however address one who resigns and is subjected to similar... er, "alerts harassment'


Let me just say that I have not yet been banned from a group (or resigned), but I agree this is a problem and want to propose another solution that would fix everything for both sides.

I think the easiest solution to this may very well be to also give the power to the banned member to stop receiving the tracked activity.

<<begin tangent>> I can feasibly see a scenario that you worked hard on input to a certain group and you're tracking some things for learning's sake and for one reason or another, perhaps out of your control, you were banned from the group.  However, you still get those alerts and all of your sincere hard work & generated responses can still be viewed and appreciated. <<end tangent>>

If this is provided, then the admin doesn't have to remember (or conveniently 'forget') & they won't be bugged by the banned member to do this either.

Fix it please!! 

+1 for this post & thanks for helping us address the issue, Miss Kohai!


Agreed -- the ultimate control over what you are tracking should reside with the user.  Most of the fixes suggested above only address the scenarios where a user is banned or deleted, but this also occurrs when a user voluntarily quits a group.