
English subtitles in video lessons


I think would be very suitable to include english subtitles in video lessons for those who are non native english speakers or for people with audition problems. At this way we all could really enjoy video lessons.

Thanks in advance and regards.


I agree, have you sent a message to Eric or one of the other staff members about it?


Erik read this forum.


Plus, the written transcript would make it easier to add subtitles in other common languages such as Spanish, Hindi, etc.

My guess is that the main thing that would be needed is someone interested in doing this for free or for cheap (e.g. free high level membership).


Kinda off-topic, but wouldn't be nice to have a pgn of all the videos available too?Smile

ZBicyclist wrote:

Plus, the written transcript would make it easier to add subtitles in other common languages such as Spanish, Hindi, etc.

My guess is that the main thing that would be needed is someone interested in doing this for free or for cheap (e.g. free high level membership).

Why someone would do that for free? Video lessons are a pay service... Maybe video author should provide subtitles.

Other option could be create a intermediate category between Diamond and Platinum members, with Chess Mentor but without video lessons, for those who can't enjoy video lessons without subtitles...

Really weird, some messages in this thread have dissapeared ??? Anyway... I've downgraded my account from Diamond to Platinum, because without subtitles I don't understand video lessons :_(
Kaxte wrote:

Erik read this forum.

extraña forma de invocar a Erik

Queda extraño porque ese mensaje era la respuesta a un par de mensajes que había en este hilo, y que han desaparecido misteriosamente... ¿¿??

Please add English subtitles on videos and then subtitles in other languages like Persian and French and....