What misinformation and attempts to convert others into religion has WTFricken done?
You've been here since early 2023...well, apparently anyway.
How did you happen to miss the Maui space lasers, the Tesla as some kind of demigod insanity, the shiny yellow aliens, the Illuminati-type conspiracies, etc. etc. etc. All backed by the constant assertion that he's got an inside ticket to salvation and would be happy to tell you all about it in PMs? Enjoy your daily games.
Here's some advice on how to fix your avatar... https://support.chess.com/en/articles/8615211-why-is-my-profile-picture-upside-down-or-sideways
🤣 and you claim you had nothing to do with it.....
.....not whatsoever part of that garbage bunch.... no, not you..... lol 😂 welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Time SHALL TELL
#299 🤣 absolutely ciphoning though be the way to go!