
The new puzzle display is so bad


This morning I decided to do some puzzles only to find that the UI is different from the one I saw yesterday. I'm on the Android version of the Chess app, and I used the classic mode toggle for the puzzle UI change a while back since it was so much less distracting. Now there is no option for that, and now, there's an annoying coach that doesn't help that I can't get rid of, I can barely see the rating changes at the bottom, not to mention that it doesn't increase the span anymore from the "classic" mode from the old update. I also can't change to a less bloated, less distracting menu like I could with the old update. I really dislike this new change to the puzzle menus and it's gotten harder to focus just because of a few stupid changes on the menu. Please revert this, or at least add an option for people to change it back to the older menu.

SappyClamp wrote:

This morning I decided to do some puzzles only to find that the UI is different from the one I saw yesterday. I'm on the Android version of the Chess app, and I used the classic mode toggle for the puzzle UI change a while back since it was so much less distracting. Now there is no option for that, and now, there's an annoying coach that doesn't help that I can't get rid of, I can barely see the rating changes at the bottom, not to mention that it doesn't increase the span anymore from the "classic" mode from the old update. I also can't change to a less bloated, less distracting menu like I could with the old update. I really dislike this new change to the puzzle menus and it's gotten harder to focus just because of a few stupid changes on the menu. Please revert this, or at least add an option for people to change it back to the older menu.

My understanding is there is going to be an option to disable the coach feature but isn't available yet


Came here to write the same thing. The coach is distracting and adds no value, end result is that it's bloody annoying.


I was able to remove the coach from the puzzles by going to Settings > Coach and selecting the X portrait.

That said I really hope they bring back the ability to see both their point collection system along with a clear rating increase/decrease per puzzle. The new graph at the bottom is so small it's hard to read. And I liked knowing what my point collection was :/ Hate that I have to pick between them now.


It also only displays the ridiculous score thing, but not your puzzle rating any more... Absolutely garbage update


I also very much dislike the new puzzle UI. Baffling change that serves no apparent purpose but looks awful and displays less information. Please change it back


New puzzle layout is an eyesore and very distracting. Not necessary for coach avatar and bubble to take up such large portion of screen


Why chesscom can't let us OPT IN to changes instead of thrusting them upon us is a mystery to me.

It would feel more respectful if they did.


Yes I very much dislike the new ui. When I am solving puzzles I want to concentrate, that calls for a minimalist ui. What they had was pretty much perfect just the puzzle my rating nothing else. It seems you guys have fallen into the development trap like many before you. In trying to make a ui look better but forgetting the main purpose of the old ui.


Even if you turn the coach off, the white, bright balloon saying “White to move” is completely out-of-place in a dark theme and a pain in the eyes while I try to solve some puzzles while getting to sleep 😡


I just want the weird dude that takes up half the phone screen gone


This app needs a Zen mode. Chess for many is exciting enough without the gamification. It's certainly difficult enough without the distractions. Even in dark mode the Android app still is much too bright, and now sadly this. It's even brighter now, with or without the unhelpful coach. What a bummer. I've been a paying customer for years, so obviously I'm already hooked: no need to innovate on my account! Hypothesis: If a new "feature" is easier to add than its disable button in the options list then its deployment was most likely rushed. I'd wish this app would get the basics right. So thanks for making me love Lichess more.


By the way, it's very obvious whose turn it is by virtue of the last move highlight. So the bubble is at best utterly redundant but annoyingly distracting and repetetive at worst. By contrast, it's not at all obvious whether your pawns move up or down but there's no nagbubble for that. It is left pleasantly implied. A simple colored triangle really would suffice, unnecessary as it truly is.


The puzzle UI update was unnecessary and makes it worse. I can remove the coach icon in settings but it just leaves a blank space at the top. The board size is reduced


I like to do puzzles daily but the new UI has made it much less enjoyable. The coach is annoying, takes up so much space, and adds no value. The white text bubble against dark themes is also an eye strain. And why cant we see our puzzle rating without going to profile stats now?


Completely agree that the new UI and UX is a pain and it has put me off playing. The miniature rating, the giant red (and discouraging) retry button, the coach (!) and the hint at bottom left - all these changes are to increase engagement with coach and fix the ‘problem’ that some people pressed next instead of hint and leapt to the next puzzle. Whereas I played 20 + puzzles a day I have just stopped having tried and failed to come around to it. We should at least have the option to revert. Boo hiss etc


Additionally I agree that the bubble letting you know whose turn it is is redundant and silly


Completely agree with almost all the other comments here. As a premium user and top 500 ranked puzzler previously, puzzles are why I'm here because of never knowing the timing for a game. The coach thing is ridiculous, looks ridiculous, takes up too much of the screen, and is just bloat getting rid of information I'm looking for and a step in a very wrong direction for experienced users. Feels like a DEI move that's a really bad choice. The unnecessary puzzle level update a while back was already bloat. With this coach thing I did one puzzle and it was so distracting I had to stop. Puzzles require focus!!! Not ui screen bloat. Need an option to turn every single option on or off easily. Coach. Rating. Puzzle rank. Time. Turn. Size of chessboard. Etc etc. Coach is the worst update I have seen for this app. Strongly considering canceling my membership because of how much it affects the one thing I use the app for and now it destroys focus and peace while doing puzzles.


Turned off the coach didn't know that was an option in settings but not in puzzle settings. That's better. The puzzle grid is back after turning off the other progression thingy. The turn to move bubble is still distracting but things are better now

Very glad to see lots of other folks complaining about the new puzzle UI. It’s awful. I was told a week ago that it would be corrected with an option to remove it and here we are still without it and it’s a pile on. As one other user said, why can’t they roll out this stuff as opt-ins rather than forcing it on us?