
Rules - draw by repetition in blitz games


I would like a rule upgrade or rule-change in the following scenario(s): 

- You have a simple draw by repeating moves. There is no breakthrough anywhere for your opponent. He can't mate you and he can't get a pawn to queen and nothing.. But your opponent has a few seconds more on the clock and makes nothing-moves in absurdum until you lose on time. 

-- Rules say it has to be 3-fold repetition by BOTH players: the EXACT position of every piece on the board has to match three times.
(sometimes opponents skirts the 50-move rule by pitching a non-essential pawn after 30moves or so, to start the count again)

If you stand still and don't deteriorate your position, you know the technique, and YOU REPEAT YOUR MOVES a number of times it should be enough to draw. If you show ON YOUR END there is no win - THERE SHOULD BE A RULE THAT AUTOMATICALLY AWARDS THE DRAW - after an acceptable amount of moves. 
You should basically be able to premove every move you make in these simple drawing scenarios...  (if you can keep pace) 

CLARITY: If you SHOW you know how to draw - how many moves will prove that, so that you don't lose a drawn position on time? aka: there should be no need for exact position repetition.

THREE questions: 
1. Is this a rule upgrade - or just my opinion based on frustration when playing?
2. Is it possible to program this to make it implementable? (I do not know that much about this kind of programming or if it has been discussed before)
3. How many moves by the draw-seeker in "technically drawn repetition-positions" proves you know how to draw? 10..? 25?


I can't see that ever happening. The solution is to always play with at least some increment and if you get into such a position you should be able to get triple repetition or 50 moves on that increment.


Thanks for the response Martin, 

1. That would mean that similar positions would always have to be played out - with enormous move-counts.. 
2. That would also mean having to play with an increment which changes all other game-strategies and therefore change the play to something that you didn't want initially, otherwise why play 3+0 games..!?


Yea pretty sick n tired of pulling a draw with 10-1 pieces out there against bots, if they have nowhere to move without a loss it's suddenly a tie.... B. S.!!!!!!!


There is a far more elegant solution: play with increment. All FIDE competitions are with increment.


i tried to used repetition for draw but it doesn't work. but while ago my last game someone tried it and only for 3 moves even i place it in different pace. review my match

#4 that’s stalemate for you. You’ll get used to it. My tip: when you are playing a move, always think “what will he do after I play this?” If you literally can’t find a move, that would put him in stalemate. Don’t do that