Playing chess using keyboard
Bump, it's ridiculous that this feature still doesn't exist, especially since it probably goes against the Americans with Disabilities Act. Maybe someone should file a complaint, that would get chess.com to take notice.
I don't care much about the feature, but I like bumping things...
@EscherehcsE do one from 2007
Well, Yorps are also lazy, and it's a lot of work to find really old threads...
But seriously, now that I've had my fun, I *do* agree that keyboard capability would be very beneficial. But it's like everything else on this site - if it doesn't immediately result in bottom-line profits, it gets deep-sixed.
yeh it's only great for new players, so there are lots of reasons older entrenched players won't want this sorted. After a couple of years on this site I could be starting to fall into this category xD
it does seem hugely old fashioned / non progressive though, imo.
Bump, it's ridiculous that this feature still doesn't exist, especially since it probably goes against the Americans with Disabilities Act. Maybe someone should file a complaint, that would get chess.com to take notice.
The ADA only requires "reasonable accommodations". They don't require fundamental changes.
You can do this by getting this google keyboard chess extension. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chesscom-keyboard/bghaancnengidpcefpkbbppinjmfnlhh
You can do this by getting this google keyboard chess extension. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chesscom-keyboard/bghaancnengidpcefpkbbppinjmfnlhh
I agree too. Too many times I've slid a rook one square short of where I wanted to slide it.