
Need help determining what 2 flair icons represent on


I need help determining what these 2 flair icons represent on 

So I know that:

  • The green pawn named ("pawn_traditional") - represents 'Staff'
  • The blue pawn named ("pawn_blue") - represents 'Moderators'
  • The white pawn named ("pawn_white") - ???
  • The black pawn named ("pawn_black") - ???

Now if you want to test the 2 remaining flairs just go to any member profile(yours) and

using 'inspect' change the element called 'flair-FLAIR_NAME_HERE' to pawn_white or pawn_black and you will see it yourself. 

The thing is, in the .js file they have all the codes and names explained except these 2 flairs.  meh


ps. also forgot to mention 'black_pawn' and 'white_pawn' are 2 different flairs that you get from gold membership so don't mix them up. Below is full list of flairs.


Full flair list here


Interesting. I literally have no idea. At first I thought it was just pawns for the white and black chess army, but that is above in this list, so it isn't this. The icons are next to the mod and staff icons, so perhaps it is something that planned to add, but never did, or maybe some position which wasn't dropped, yet is uncommon? 

I'm not sure. My intuition would usually say something like an applied volunteer position, but this is kind of like mods (blue pawn icon) anyway. Maybe it means something like approved coaches or something like this? I honestly don't know as I've never seen these icons used by anyone on before.



how do you get the wk flair? I just can't seem to figure out how to get it.

Chess_Chris_Master wrote:

how do you get the flair? I just can't seem to figure out how to get it.

I replied to your topic but it's premium only.