
iPad Pro m4 display scaling issue

I have the new iPad Pro with the M4 chip, and unfortunately, when you try to play a live game, the chessboard only takes up about 1/3 of the screen thus having a very small screen to play chess on. it only seems to affect live play as games against the computer seem to be displaying and scaling correctly. I tried to submit a Bug report, but that feature is also not working so I thought posting might be a good place to bring some attention to the issue.

Yes, I too have the same scaling issue for the online games. The Chessboard size is small and not getting full screen board.


Version 4.5.1 should have a fix specifically for the M4 iPad Pro and M2 iPad Air (11 and 13 inches).

For More general size issues, not related to the above fix, the Display Zoom > More Space setting on the device should set to Default

Martin_Stahl escreveu:

Version 4.5.1 should have a fix specifically for the M4 iPad Pro and M2 iPad Air (11 and 13 inches).

For More general size issues, not related to the above fix, the Display Zoom > More Space setting on the device should set to Default

still not fixed…


Oi @Rukca! Qual versão do aplicativo tu está utilizando no iPad? Além disso, na configuração Display Zoom, você tem marcado o que?

  • Pergunto, pois caso tiveres More Space, o tabuleiro aparecerá menor. Este ajuste de escala tardará mais tempo para ser atendido pela nossa equipe, mas você pode visualizar o tabuleiro de tamanho usual mudando a configuração para Default.