
In-Game Block Feature Removed with Recent Update (Have to go to opponent's home page now to block)


I'm not sure what's infatuation is with "updating" existing features on their website that ultimately end up adding an extra unnecessary step or two to accomplish the same thing you were able to accomplish previously with one step . This time it's the "block" feature. I recently noticed that the "block" feature was removed from the "3 dots" drop down next to your opponent's name when you're in game. See my screenshot below:

As you can see, the only thing available now is "Message" and "Report". In order to block, you now have to click on your opponent's name, get re-directed to their homepage, click on the "3 dots More" drop down, and only then will you find the "block" feature. Really This is something we were able to do before IN-GAME with a simple click (without having to be re-directed to the opponent's homepage). Why are you now adding extra unnecessary steps to accomplish the same thing we were able to do before with a single click?? Not sure how this is a practical or useful update. If anything this is a step in the impractical and inconvenient direction.



it is degradation


there is also another thing it broke with this update of removing the "block" ability from the mini-profile pop-up. You can also no longer block a player who has blocked you. This is so silly. I just played someone and I beat them in a time scramble. I can only presume that they got so enraged that they decided to block me (feel bad for people who have the emotional capacity of a cat). In any case, I would also not like to ever play this opponent again if they ever unblock me (due to their poor sportsmanship and toxic personality of course). However, whenever I hover over their name in the mini-profile pop, it just says, "You have been blocked by this member". When I go to their homepage, I am no longer able to manually block them like we were able to before this recent mini-profile pop-up block feature removal (see screenshot below). What gives?? Why is breaking stuff?

Al-mashina wrote:


it is degradation

I agree. They keep downgrading practical and useful features making us go through extra hoops.


I have came up with several opponents that I have previously blocked.
Is it normal behavior that you have to play against opponents you have previously blocked?

ThxgivingStuffing now made yet ANOTHER update that adds another useless redundant step. They have now also made it so that whenever you finish a game and hit the "analyze" globe icon, it now doesnt automatically turn on the engine and display the engine lines. Instead you now not only have to click on the "analyze" globe icon, but after this they've added an "analysis" button that you now have to toggle to turn on the engine. What is up with these redundant and useless added steps??? This site just keeps going down and down the drain.