
A Fresh New Chess Idea


I have a new chess idea where its a mix of DnD and Chess. The board and placement pieces are the same as normal chess, but when it comes to trading pieces, we will be rolling dices for both the attacker and defender. The dice will be the 6 faces ones. The attacker is the player that starts the trade of the pieces and the defender is the player that receives the trading of the pieces. The number of dices used for each pieces will be as follows:-


  • Pawn - 2 dices
  • Knight - 3 dices
  • Bishops - 3 dices
  • Rooks - 4 dices
  • Queen - 5 dices
  • King - 5 dices


  • Pawn - 2 dices
  • Knight - 2 dices
  • Bishops - 2 dices
  • Rooks - 2 dices
  • Queen - 3 dices
  • King - 3 dices

I think this will lead to a pretty interesting gameplay as well as a bit of luck going into it too. It will also be very easy to be implemented into our current chess system as well.

P.S. I don't think any chess engine including Stockfish is able to provide a solid advice for this new chess wink


No. The Pieces is still the same old pieces. Its just when we capture pieces, then we will use dices to dictate if it is successful or not.


I like it. Would be cool if we had some cards (open and/or closed) with power ups:




+X to roll.


For example. How do I do enter without sending?? This is annoying

EconomyChess wrote:

I like it. Would be cool if we had some cards (open and/or closed) with power ups:

That is a good idea. We can add power ups or a debuff on the opponent as well. We will also need mana cards to enable us to play the cards too.