
Why learn to take notation?


Taking notation is a valuable lesson to learn. Taking notation is as important as knowing how to castle. When I was just begining, I absolutely refused to take notation. Finally, some of the tournament directors made me take it. The first tournament I took notation in, I lost my first two game on time. But, I am very glad I learned to take notation. It has helped me prepare to play against some of my rivals. And in one tournament it helped me keep a rightful win.

It was a tournmant in Minnesota in 2005. It was the last round, and I had just beaten a 7-year-old (at the time, I was 8). When we were walking up to record our game, the kid said, "You know, since I haven't won a game, can we just tell them that I won?" I said, "No, I won the game." I figured that he was joking, but when he walked up to the tournament recorders, he told them that he had won. Of course, I said that I had won. We fought for a little time (trying to convince the directors who had won), until I pulled out my notation sheet. The sheet plainly showed that I had won. Since he hadn't taken notation, I won that argument, and the last game of that tournment. I ended up winning my section because I won my last game. So, taking notation is very important for more than one reason!! Cool

Wow. What a scammer!
I woulda punched him out right in front of the tournament recorders lol. Its also very good for studying as all chess books use algabraic notation.
Dont all rated events require the players to keep score? I know rapid/quick chess events don't. What was the time control being used?

This was a scholastic tournament with 30 min time control. I was in 3rd grade at the time, and in the K-3 section, they don't require you to take notation.

some people...well you really showed him


>>>I woulda punched him out right in front of the tournament recorders lol.


That would have you put out of the tournmant.  Plus two wrongs don't make a right.


so true Laughing


That's a great life lesson. Get into a habit of documenting the work you do too. Notes taken of meetings and conversations carry a lot of weight in a court of law.

bobmutch wrote:


>>>I woulda punched him out right in front of the tournament recorders lol.


That would have you put out of the tournmant.  Plus two wrongs don't make a right.

 Fair enough, but two right punches sure don't seem too wrong in the aforementioned situation Tongue out


wow... weird story.