In rated games you shouldn't call check, it counts as a distraction. Repeatedly distracting your opponent can cause you to forfeit the game, as you apparently found out. The rules will be the same for any rated or official game, regardless of the club. Sorry you had to find out the hard way ! This page has a pretty good summary of the rules:
They should have checked to see if you were just having an uncontrollable fit that went unchecked, or maybe you were just checking to see if you had your pay check.
You cannot be compelled to resign in any circumstances (although you may forfeit the game). It sounds like the tournament controller exceeded his authority, especially if it was the first time he spoke to you on this issue.... is he related to your opponent?
Thats bs man, first they should give you a warning ... and I don't think they are allowed to "make you resign" ...
Thats bs man, first they should give you a warning ... and I don't think they are allowed to "make you resign" ...
He is the TD. He can do ANYTHING....
Most TDs would explain the problem and warn you. Simply make the move and wait for you opponent to see the check. I know it doesn't seem fair, but there are tournament rules. Silence is the golden rule. The bottom line: You have to abide by tourmament rules. However, the TD should have warned you and provided an explanation. I teach chess and give a good explanation for my actions prior to penalizing my students for incorrect behavior. Try playing chess in coffee houses if you want to avoid tournament rules.
So I'm in a Scholastic Chess tournament a I keep on saying check.
So my opponent calls the TD and he makes me resign.
I want a better way of playing. Can someone tell me a good chess club?