(1) Yes, generally speaking most all tournaments are touch move. If you move a piece and release the piece on the new square then that move must stay if it is a legal move.
(2) No, there cannot be any interference during a tournament game. However, you can always remind your child before or after a tournament game about hitting the clock.
(3) I believe you cannot intervene and the game must continue on. However, you can get the attention of the tournament director and let them know about this.
(4) No, there cannot be any outside assistance given to any player during a tournament game. This can be considered cheating.
For the official rules of chess (USCF) please see http://main.uschess.org/content/blogcategory/131/369/
Taking my 8 yr old to first tournament in a few weeks and havent played any rated games myself in many years so forget some stuff, hope you can help. Thanks in advance!
(1) touch move/clock move: Assume its touch move in scholastic chess, just like in adult chess? If you move a piece and take your hand off it, but dont hit the clock, are you obligated to move to that specific square, or just to move that piece?
(2) is it permissible for parents to remind kids to hit clock?
(3) what do you do if you see your kid or the opponent make an illegal move and neither kid spots it?
(4) is it ok to tell your kid, 5 minutes left or something like that?