
One of my games


     I played this game in a tournement in Denver CO in October 2007.


5.Nxe5?? is one of the first blunders you learn about in any book on the Ruy.


Nxe5 is not a blunder at all.  But if White wants any chance at an opening advantage, he shouldn't play that move.  Black gets the bishop pair and much of the winning chances.

KillaBeez wrote:

Nxe5 is not a blunder at all.  But if White wants any chance at an opening advantage, he shouldn't play that move.  Black gets the bishop pair and much of the winning chances.

So - giving up the bishop pair + winning chances is not a blunder for White?

Perhaps I worded it too harshly. "Grave mistake" then :)

Most engines themselves acknowledge a drop around 6/10th of a pawn in their evaluation.

Also => after 5...Qd4 Ng4 Qxe4, white has pretty much wasted the opening.


hem nice games