
Junior Chess club


Hi, I have started a junior chess club. I have created a blog which hopefully shows what we are trying to do and has pictures of the current members. Does anybody have any experience with a similar venture? Any thoughts, tips or ideas? As you can see from the blog I let the kids play games, but teach them tactics in a 5 minute break from the games.

Unequivocal wrote:

A great initiative! (Did spot a small mistake on your website, : a bischop is worth 3 pieces where as a rook is also worth 3 pieces, which should be corrected.)

 i thought a bishop was worth 3 pawns and not 3 pieces, is there a new chess i didn't hear about?

Unequivocal wrote:

A great initiative! (Did spot a small mistake on your website, : a bischop is worth 3 pieces where as a rook is also worth 3 pieces, which should be corrected.)

As for experience, I've found a great way to teach kids is to host thematic tournaments, for example in certain openings, this'll motivate them to play their best and beat eachother, while learning in the process. Goodluck!

Actually it's more common to give a rook 5 pawns/points worth.


Yes thanks for that I had a rook

Unequivocal wrote:

A great initiative! (Did spot a small mistake on your website, : a bischop is worth 3 pieces where as a rook is also worth 3 pieces, which should be corrected.)

As for experience, I've found a great way to teach kids is to host thematic tournaments, for example in certain openings, this'll motivate them to play their best and beat eachother, while learning in the process. Goodluck!

Yes thanks for that.  I had a bishop worth 3 and rook 3, if you read the blog its a glaring mistake, but obvious from the diagram.  Thanks for pointing it out, as its obvious for decent standard chess players, but I don't want kids getting confused.

Its obvious to me that unequivocal spotted the mistake and was trying to help, but his post was also a little confusing.  Sorted now.

Just for info I don't buy into assigning pieces points, as each position dictates their power and nothing else, but try telling a  child that.