Not that much. Now I have a regular job, not chess-related.
How many hours a day do you put in chess
I work at a circulation desk at a library--probably half of my time I spend playing chess online. Outside of work, maybe an hour or two every other day. I may go a week or longer not playing outside of work, though.
I used to put in some serious amount of time like a year before, something around 3 hours a day for a few years, and with that, a lot of following chess news, events, interviews and other bits of chess culture, being a fanboy of certain players, collecting chess quotes etc.
Especially for the last months I sadly don't have time for any serious study, I hate blitzing but that's what I've been doing in my correspondence games here for months and I'm watching my ability and quality of my games diminish with utter desperation.
how many hours do you study, and then how many playing.