

scotarg wrote:

Why did anyone reply to this? If he is 10, his parents are the one's responsible for the content he reads and can answer his questions. Whoever he is, he's probably not 10 though. What 10 year old gives a flying 😎 about vaccines etc. His language and writing are not from a 10 year old. Either way, 10, 20, or whatever, get a life...go be a child, make dens in the woods and enjoy innocence or go to the pub and meet real people and see what's happening beyond the computer screen. Ask your parents why you're reading inappropriate books too, if you really are 10. Prob born 1978 I would think.

I enjoy having conversations about social issues, not every child has to be a dim-witted innocent. "Innocence" is just an excuse for parents not tell their kids what the hell is going on in this insane world of ours. No one should ever assume the worst in their child, deeming them too immature to have the "talk" or thinking they can't understand concepts as anti-vaxxers or global warming. If one thinks this way then our future adults will not ever be as educated as needed to navigate such a time as now. The way to educate is not to wait but to discuss.

I have a fascination with dark and complex ideas as to why I am reading "inappropriate" books also Queen's Gambit was a really good book 😎. The reason I don't sound like a ten year old is because... I turned eleven two months ago.     

What do you mean by “dark and complex idea”?

ren97ren wrote:
scotarg wrote:

Why did anyone reply to this? If he is 10, his parents are the one's responsible for the content he reads and can answer his questions. Whoever he is, he's probably not 10 though. What 10 year old gives a flying 😎 about vaccines etc. His language and writing are not from a 10 year old. Either way, 10, 20, or whatever, get a life...go be a child, make dens in the woods and enjoy innocence or go to the pub and meet real people and see what's happening beyond the computer screen. Ask your parents why you're reading inappropriate books too, if you really are 10. Prob born 1978 I would think.

I enjoy having conversations about social issues, not every child has to be a dim-witted innocent. "Innocence" is just an excuse for parents not tell their kids what the hell is going on in this insane world of ours. No one should ever assume the worst in their child, deeming them too immature to have the "talk" or thinking they can't understand concepts as anti-vaxxers or global warming. If one thinks this way then our future adults will not ever be as educated as needed to navigate such a time as now. The way to educate is not to wait but to discuss.

I have a fascination with dark and complex ideas as to why I am reading "inappropriate" books also Queen's Gambit was a really good book 😎. The reason I don't sound like a ten year old is because... I turned eleven two months ago.     

What do you mean by “dark and complex idea”?

I mean dark and complex, like Queen's Gambit (it's not really complex though) but you know what I mean. 

ren97ren wrote:

Also kid, shouldn’t be sharing your age.

I'm on thousands of children are on here. 

ren97ren wrote:

I think it’s not reasonable to assume someone is not their age because of their language and maturity.

It is. 


Anyway how the hell do you delete forums????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Anyway how the hell do you delete forums????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Ya don't. You just wait until it becomes inactive...


Don't reply to this if possible happy.png

scotarg wrote:

Why did anyone reply to this? If he is 10, his parents are the one's responsible for the content he reads and can answer his questions. Whoever he is, he's probably not 10 though. What 10 year old gives a flying 😎 about vaccines etc. His language and writing are not from a 10 year old. Either way, 10, 20, or whatever, get a life...go be a child, make dens in the woods and enjoy innocence or go to the pub and meet real people and see what's happening beyond the computer screen. Ask your parents why you're reading inappropriate books too, if you really are 10. Prob born 1978 I would think.

Nah, you can see the age of someone pretty easily. The little one has got his vocab up tight but semantic squabbling which adds no point to the conversation is not a measure of anything just a habit people pick up. You can see from what he writes he hangs out alone in the internet quite a bit and generally focuses on ideas and things he sees which is not always stereotypical for what we did in our good times. I personally look over the content my two watch in the internet but all parents got different styles. So no point wasting your time trying to censor this youngling for his age and just let people use the internet for what it was created for - to converse with a diverse community which extends past what one encounters in their everyday life. 

pr4ytowin wrote:


the JOHN HOPKINS UNIVERSITY risk calculator was for determining the risk of dying from COVID19. not the vaccine. And guess what, i just used it again (here, do it yourself: and its different now. its now given me as my risk of dying from covid: 3.2 out of 1,000,000. so if 1 million people were infected in my age and weight and health group (average white male 28yr 150lbs 5'11", previous smoker, with asthma) only 3.2 people would die, estimated based on CDC data. so lets do the math. 3.2 divided by 1,000,000 = 0.0000032. now lets move the decimal point over two spaces [or multiply it by 100 in other words since % = (value / total value) x 100] which brings my percent of dying from covid to 0.00032%

Not supposed to feed the troll, but just thought I would insert some facts here.

  • Total USA deaths so far 880,000 from a population of 334,000,000 equals 0.00266 (not percent), which is a far cry from the "quoted" risk of 0.0000032.
  • The link to Johns Hopkins covid risk calculator is wrong, as an internet search will show.
  • Case fatality rate in USA is currently 0.02 (not percent), down from a peak of 0.06 in May 2020. That 0.02 is _after_ masking, isolation, work-from-home, vaccination and naturally acquired immunity. One out of 50 diagnosed cases results in death, as any visit to a hospital ICU will confirm. Or don't go, it's actually not safe, but just ask anybody who works there.

Get vaccinated, wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands, basically do all the advised and sensible steps to keep yourself, your family, your friends, etc. as safe as possible.


or is that a idiom or something?

It's a phrase from the book. The quote is about government surveillance

ren97ren wrote:

Also kid, shouldn’t be sharing your age.

I'm on thousands of children are on here. 

Perhaps millions!

I thought they set up a site? Who wants their kids talking to adult weirdos on line?


Hey, I resemble that remark.


I agree.  Usually the book is better than the movie in my opinion but not so in this case.  The movie was superior and the book was just so-so.


Read "Brave New World" for a chilling look into a possible future.


So DaRk AnD cOmPlex

ren97ren wrote:

So DaRk AnD cOmPlex

yes... actually

Chessflyfisher wrote:

Read "Brave New World" for a chilling look into a possible future.


EKAFC wrote:

I read the plot summary for the Queen's Gambit and it is depressing. Never watched the show. 

*Spoiler alert* There's not much cussing in the Netflix series. And its a good watch on a weekend. I love how Beth, as an American citizen, decided to defect to Russia in the end. It was set in the 50's and 60's. grin.png *Spoiler alert*


boddythepoddy wrote:
EKAFC wrote:

I read the plot summary for the Queen's Gambit and it is depressing. Never watched the show. 

*Spoiler alert* There's not much cussing in the Netflix series. And its a good watch on a weekend. I love how Beth, as an American citizen, decided to defect to Russia in the end. It was set in the 50's and 60's. *Spoiler alert*


I'm talking about the book


I'm talking about the Queen's gambit Netflix series. Someone said the book contains cuss words. Not so in the series. So don't let the book dissuade anybody from watching it.