Chess = Video games?
IQ can increase or decrease and more than a few points in either direction everybody knows the use it or lose it saying but their is much more to it my friends have PHD s in neuroscience the more the brain is used the more connections are made its called neuroplascisity even people with damaged brains have had great results im not saying that a person can increase their IQ from AS AN EXAMPLE 124 to 174 but it can increase more than a few points in either direction and i said POTENTIAL TO INCREASE with playing \studying chess something i think was overlooked GOOD LUCK TO ALL PLAYERS with their games
Chess is the opposite. That's why I love it. ;)
It pretty cool, but didn't say chess is everywhere? Well, they said that. So they can be videogames.
Video games are designed not to be challenging necessarily, but to keep you hooked. They are designed to be marketed and sold and make money, not to provide the best game, or the most stimulating, or even interesting. They are designed to be played for hours on end and not quite exhaust you, just string you along. They have psychologists work in breaks and rewards, just to keep you pushing that button and playing their video games. Video games are made to make you not think too hard.
Chess was invented and developed before all that. It is above it. It is not marketable to most people because of this. I have friends that love video games and other board games but hate chess because it's too difficult, it doesn't have the same lab-rat-on-crack effect.
It's the only game that matters.
I like all of these! Thank you to these people!