An interview with FM Grant Szuveges on Junior Chess
Hi all,
FIDE Master Grant Szuveges has created these 20 or so 10 minute talks on positional themes, openings and end-games. They're free to watch on the MCC youtube channel and aimed at club level players and improving players. Click on the link below and go through the playlist
- Welcome: FM Grant Szuveges Intro (Click "Playlists")
- The Gurgenidze System for Black
- Czech Benoni Opening For Black
- Isolated Pawns: Playing with or against and IQP
- Botvinnik-English System against the Sicilian Defence
- Chess Lesson: Good and Bad Pieces
- Chess Opening for Black: A System V Systems!
- Queen's Gambit: Exchange Variation
- Chess Strategy: The Minority Attack
- Chess Openings for White: The London System and The Torre Attack
- The King's Indian Defence (Chess Opening for Black)
- The Maroczy Bind Lecture
- Beating the French Defence
- Endgame from the Sicilian Defence
- Opening: Fort Knox Variation (French Defence)
- Knight Outposts: Nc5 in the King's Indian
- Nimzo - Larsen Attack (Chess Opening)
- A system against Alekhine's Defence