Setoga- stops time for an object… yea pretty self explanatory, this does remove the need to breath, and the ability to take damage as well for the target
Segota- slows time for an object, just makes it look like the target is in slow motion to everything
Setena- speeds up time for an object, opposite of Segota
Taga- can allow someone to see a vision, puts them in a void and then shows them something
Teta- can stop a vision made by Taga
Tena- mind control kinda, only really able to tell someone what to do
Otela- can change an objects velocity (aka just move it around)… yea
Olaga- make a loud sound that can probably break glass… again there’s nothing else to really say
Olaten- summons a ton of blue orbs that will fly towards foes* (*closest person i don’t like) these will burn whatever they touch and also move faster over time
Etaga- a tp basically, this can take a moment from the outside world, but to the user it’s as if the universes time just snaps forward a bit
Etatu- X-ray hax, this allows me to see through solid objects, as they become transparent for some time
Etuta- tells you where someone is, makes the target glow a gold color, they will also flash white when the spell is disabled, over long distances, or when the target is invisible, the user will just be told what direction the target is in
Egata- sees information on stuff, best way to explain this is if there’s an item I can just use this and know what the item does and what it is
Entago- invis… yea just invisibility