
Windmill Example


Hello everyone!  Perhaps you are new to chess, and are not aware of all tactics (or perhaps their technical names.)  Here is an example of the Windmill tactic.  See if you can find the best continuation for white.



Elementary, my dear Watson!


The post is in the wrong area - What do windmills have to do with openings?

BungaBungaFischer wrote:
ThrillerFan wrote:

Elementary, my dear Watson!



On a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is complete douche and 10 is sherlock holmes kind of cool, you are within an epsilon environment from 0.

Zero would be giving BungaBungaFischer too much credit!  If I'm 0, BungaBungaFischer is negative 50!

BungaBungaFischer wrote:
ThrillerFan wrote:
BungaBungaFischer wrote:
ThrillerFan wrote:

Elementary, my dear Watson!



On a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is complete douche and 10 is sherlock holmes kind of cool, you are within an epsilon environment from 0.

Zero would be giving BungaBungaFischer too much credit!  If I'm 0, BungaBungaFischer is negative 50!

you don't understand how scales work it seems.

Sure I know how scales work!  You are off the scale!  You are worse than a 0, kind of like how a super smart person (which you are not) can be off the IQ chart!  There are people that test higher than the chart goes!

BungaBungaFischer wrote:
ThrillerFan wrote:
BungaBungaFischer wrote:
ThrillerFan wrote:
BungaBungaFischer wrote:
ThrillerFan wrote:

Elementary, my dear Watson!



On a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is complete douche and 10 is sherlock holmes kind of cool, you are within an epsilon environment from 0.

Zero would be giving BungaBungaFischer too much credit!  If I'm 0, BungaBungaFischer is negative 50!

you don't understand how scales work it seems.

Sure I know how scales work!  You are off the scale!  You are worse than a 0, kind of like how a super smart person (which you are not) can be off the IQ chart!  There are people that test higher than the chart goes!

no that's not how a scale works. we will just leave it at that, dumbo.

Uhm - yes, you can exceed the scale.  Whether that scale be IQ, Weight, or whatever else.

What happens when your scale goes from 0 to 300 and you put a 350 pound person on there?

Scales account for the majority, not the extremes!  You are an Extreme!

SurabayaKid wrote:

RxP +


That was a good puzzle!



It is a very good puzzle and is very helpful. Thanks!!!



so easy puzzle


anyone can do it