Will post puzzles here every now and then
After 1.Bb5, Qa1+ escapes the fork and Black is winning with an extra Rook.
So there is no puzzle here; white is simply lost.
After 1.Bb5, Qa1+ escapes the fork and Black is winning with an extra Rook.
So there is no puzzle here; white is simply lost.
Ok, it is edited. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
You edited the diagram, not the solution. Always continue until the win is "clear". Here it requires at least: 1. Bb5 c4! 2. Bxe8!! - the only winning move - Qxe8 3. Qxc4 and white wins on GM-level though I would be hesitant to end a puzzle on such a small victory margin.
Here's the first one, taken from my most recent game, AbyssalSludge(961) vs. LiteRiyusaki(925).