The title sums it all. White to move and mate: how did Black's king ended up in this square?
Position (FEN): k1B5/B7/1K6/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
Bb7 mate
You don’t read much, do you?
Black can only retract Kb8-a8, but then white can't retract the check by Ba7.
Maybe rotate the board 90 degrees clockwise? Last few moves could have been:
The common way to state such challenges is not tell which side is on move. Standard it's white and if that's impossible it's black. Here it is the latter which means that black is stalemated and the outcome is a draw.
The title sums it all. White to move and mate: how did Black's king ended up in this square?
Position (FEN): k1B5/B7/1K6/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1