I saw your post and tried to do it. I am pretty confident there is a faster way, but the fastest (so far) i managed to get is 24.
What is the fastest way to build a pawn square?
[Site "Chess.com"] [Result "*"] 1. d3 e5 2. d4 Nf6 3. d5 Bc5 4. Bg5 h6 5. Nc3 hxg5 6. Nb5 Rh4 7. Nxa7 g4 8. Nc6 g3 9. hxg3 Rf4 10. gxf4 Be3 11. fxe3 Ra4 12. a3 Rb4 13. axb4 Na6 14. fxe5 Ne4 15. b3 Qf6 16. Qc1 Qf3 17. gxf3 Nac5 18. fxe4 Nd3+ 19. exd3 bxc6 20. c3 c5 21. bxc5 Ba6 22. Nf3 Bc4 23. bxc4 g6 24. Nd4 *
This is a silly question that requires some explanation.
What I mean by "pawn square" is a 3x3 square using all eight pawns with a space in the center. As a cherry on top, a knight sits in the center square. Like so:
(The pawns don't need to sit on any specific colored square. The corner pawns can sit on light or dark squares.)
In this game, Black will move wherever White asks them to move to facilitate construction of the pawn square.
What is the fewest number of turns it would it take for White to create this formation from the opening?
(I originally posted this on the Fun with Chess forum but More Puzzles seems like a better fit in hindsight.)