8,4,1--->29 29x29=841
3,2,4--->18 18x18=324
1,9,6--->? ?x?=196 thus ?=14
ok , this one has solved , I will post another one more challenge , let see who will find its answer !!
The problem with this problem is that there's more than 1 answer, depending on how you solve it. Everyone, as long as they had a reason that was without mistake, should be correct.
actually all answers are wrong except "Delenn"
The thing about this puzzle is that it's too ambiguous. You think there's only one answer, but there are multiple patterns in the puzzle that give different answers.
56 <-
The first triangle has 29 In the middle, if you divide 8/4 it gives you the 2 , if you add the 8+ 1 Gives you 9 Taking both numbers you get 29.
Second one is 18 , In this one is the opposite of both in different order This time is Multiply and minus, 3-2 = 1 2x4 = 8 <-- That's the 18 in the middle.
The first triangle has this /_ <-- 2 lines out of 3 with the operations, the second has this ones /\ <--- We're missing in the third one _\ And you take both, the multiply beacuse its \ line and the minus beacuse it's the _ line. You take both numbers and you get 56
The problem with this problem is that there's more than 1 answer, depending on how you solve it. Everyone, as long as they had a reason that was without mistake, should be correct.
actually all answers are wrong except "Delenn"