
Try to solve this.

silentfilmstar13 wrote: s4j3n wrote: Well, silentfilmstar13, it appears you are incorrect. Just by posting it in here he's getting some input  on the puzzles and learning things. I also don't think you really know what you are talking about but that's ok we can all think what we wish.

 Here's a quote from my earlier post: "You must agree that reading and studying would be infinitely more useful in his progression as a player."  Enough said.

 Be that as it may, you indeed said he would learn nothing. In doing so you were incorrect.


It was an easy one



Queen to H4 also wins for the original puzzle by the way.  This puzzle is great for people who learned chess yesterday I guess.
tonightonly7 wrote: HotFlow wrote: Not bad for a 13 year old.  At least he isn't stealing cars and selling drugs or some other more common past time for youngsters these days.

 Etienne was rather tactless while expressing her opinion, but that is her style. I would much prefer brutal honesty to this kind of unwarranted cynicism.

Hey, Etienne is a guy, (not sure if an old guy (He, He, Ha, Ha,Etienne) or a very hansome one in profile only!!!!) The  puzzel? Oh Yea, it was simple to solve.


1 sec.

yeh some mate in one puzzles can be quite challenging... but most of them arent...

i like mate in three puzzles the best because they make u think but not too hard... Cool

it was good...
Thank you, krutti!
too simple!!!Cool

Allow me to revise an earlier statement:  He will learn virtually nothing; a negligible amount; an insignificant bit.  Is that more clear?  Try to take the spirit of the argument insted of arguing semantics.
I'm just glad silentfilmstar13 that you were not involved in teaching me the game, or I surely would be stuck at the beginning still.
Selangor wrote: I first tried 1.Qa5 (which is actually mate in 1), but it "couldn't"... next, I immediately try Bxg4#, without a second thought. It worked. (P.S.   there is two moves to checkmate Black).---(I mean the first puzzle by xbigboy)

What is it?

Try this.
Maybe its just me, but that puzzle seemed wierd.  anyway it took LOTS of errors for me to solve it.
So, it's good?
Sorry xbigboy , but that is definitely not a puzzle . In fact its not even close to being one . Black is easily winning , and white can't force that promotion in the game .
HotFlow wrote: Now that is brilliant, well done.

Yay! Now I can find good puzzles!


Why would you say I don't mean to be rude? That just prepares everyone's mind to think you're about to be rude... seems kind of self-destructive...
theburford wrote: Why would you say I don't mean to be rude? That just prepares everyone's mind to think you're about to be rude... seems kind of self-destructive...

 If one's statement could be interpreted in multiple ways, clarification of intent is sometimes in order.  "I don't mean to be rude" means exactly what it says.  If some people choose to twist that to mean the exact opposite, that's their problem.



xbigboy, you need to make puzzles that have forced moves. Try setting up a position that is mate and try working backwards to find how you would force that position. I'll do an example of something I just came up with. Notice that there are distracting moves in this puzzle (other moves that look good but aren't the best). I'd also advise you to familarize yourself with positions of checkmate, this one I've used is quite common in puzzles.

Wow, this thread is still going?