
Try to solve this.

tonightonly7 wrote:

"His, his... I was a man last time I checked."


Wow, sorry Etienne. Really, sorry. That's just me being a stupid American with no culture. Etienne is a guy name huh? Wow, this is embarrasing. Sorry again. 

 No need to be sorry, we can't know the gender of every name on Earth, can we?

Hey atleast I don't have to feel bad about a girl beating me anymore! I guess I'll just play Yelena if I want that to happen.
as a puzzle this was a joke!
HotFlow wrote:

tonighttony (tonightonly)

   However, I'm worried about your comments; brutal honesty is hardly the most encouraging response to give to a young child who has just started playing the game or any activity for that matter. 


 Go ahead and worry then! What kind of comment is that?!


I just don't like when people say that all kids do nowadays is steal stuff, and burn stuff, and do drugs. That really got me down when I was younger, and I know it will not be lack of parenting if my kids ever get into any of that. You were yelling at Etienne for criticizing xbigboy, but I don't think alienating him for doing something cool like playing chess is much better.


I just don't think it is a very positive outlook for the future. If we want to see the world as a better place to live, we have to have faith in our youth.


I know you were probably just trying to defend the guy, but it really came out as something else. 

Etienne, here is one "mate in 1" puzzle. I didn't find some really hard puzzle of Loyd but you can try to find them by yourself if you want. He made some really hard puzzles!
How is that mate in one? I don't even see a mate in two there, am I missing something?
You're missing something, but I don't want to ruin it for you.
hooray for avarice (i too naturally took the queen first)
that was seriously easy
likesforests wrote: You're missing something, but I don't want to ruin it for you.

 I was referring to kingskiller's puzzle. Yours was quite sneaky Tongue out

Unless, of course, by mate, he means both checkmate and stalemate?

That's a good one kingskiller, though I spotted it in about a minute.

It's nice, but simple.
unless en passant is involved, i don't see it.
doctor-ice wrote: unless en passant is involved, i don't see it.

 Oh right, but the possibility of en passant should be precised, you should have told what black's last move was, for example. Same if a castle is impossible as the king moved and came back.

Etienne, you're right -- as you can see in this puzzle bishop, rook, c pawn and king couldn't move on the previous move and b pawn had to move b7-b5 because it couldn't make check at b6. Do you believe me now that there are hard "mate in 1" puzzles?
In that case Etienne only one move could have been made, considering the positioning of the pieces, so one would have to assume that en passant is possible after some examination.
Yup you're completly right, got me. Beside a en passant trap, is there other worthy mate in 1?
i understand you my friend xbigboy. you have just started playing chess. dont mean to be rude but you should read books to improve. i find you very interesting person and i like your attitude. send me a private message and ill recomend to you some good books.
it was to easy it took me about 20 seconds to figure it out
s4j3n wrote: Keep making puzzles, it can and will improve your game. Sure it was easy and all but really what should people expect if you're just learning. No big deal keep making them share them if you will. :D

 This is WRONG.  Do not continue to make puzzles.  You don't understand the concepts.  Buy some books for children.  There are some VERY basic books that would help you.