
Treacherous knight

Bobby Rooklift was devastated. His last day of chess games was not very successful. He had only one win for one draw and three losses. Unhappy with his performance, he visited his chess coach, Threefold Reid, to ask him for guideance. As a case for study, Threefold Reid asked Bobby Rooklift to show him his last game. Bobby did, and presented the following position:
«Playing as Black, this is where I resigned, on my turn to move. It was hopeless. White's past pawns were too far advanced, but most importantly, my king was too open and vulnerable. There was no way I would win this. If only I didn't make bad decisions with my pawn structure during the middle game...» sighed Bobby.
«First, replied Threefold, your time management was really poor. Your opponent had only one minute left on the clock while you had five. Which brings me to my second point. You had five minutes to think. Instead of giving up easily, you had ample time to scrutinize the position. You could have done better. » « Better? How? » asked Bobby. «I give you an challenge while I go fill up my bottle of water: try to find a reply for Black so you would not have not lost the game. You have five minutes. Obviously, no outside help is allowed».
And Threefold left before Bobby. Puzzled, and intrigued by his coach's comment, he took the assignment. What could have Bobby Rooklift done better? Was his coach somehow wrong? After all, Threefold was going to leave for Paris tomorrow, maybe he was distracted...

qe3+, kg6,qxc3 and you're up a bishop.

Qf4+, kg6, Qg5+, kf7, Qg7+,ke6,qe7+,kf5,qd6 and you shoukd be able to promote.

(If it was white's turn)


Mateo O'Staleen saw this and said: "This is socialism, white, black all equal to the Creator... ohhh darn... well... in our belief there is no creator, nevertheless, still we are all equal NOT to the Creator, some are more equal that's all...Now take your board and go to the gulag, ... & since we are comrades of nations... I have reserved you the accommodations... wuhahhaaaa evil"

Illbtu wrote:

Mateo O'Staleen saw this and said: "... wuhahhaaaa "

Sorry for my dark "Stalin" humor. frustrated

Amari2OI4 wrote:

qe3+, kg6,qxc3 and you're up a bishop.

Qf4+, kg6, Qg5+, kf7, Qg7+,ke6,qe7+,kf5,qd6 and you shoukd be able to promote.

(If it was white's turn)

Actually it's Black's turn as stated in the dialogue.

"«Playing as Black, this is where I resigned, on my turn to move."


be1 qxe1 Qxf6 Kg3 Qh4


cool puzzle

drdos7 wrote:
Amari2OI4 wrote:

qe3+, kg6,qxc3 and you're up a bishop.

Qf4+, kg6, Qg5+, kf7, Qg7+,ke6,qe7+,kf5,qd6 and you shoukd be able to promote.

(If it was white's turn)

Actually it's Black's turn as stated in the dialogue.

"«Playing as Black, this is where I resigned, on my turn to move."

I know, that's why I made the last line.


@Thepasswordis1234 Nice try! However, after the 3rd black move of your sequence, White can simply capture the queen and is in a winning position: there is no pawn controlling the g7 square anymore.


What is the «best» 3rd move for Black?

I can’t see the diagram.
Sharp2Axe a écrit :
I can’t see the diagram.

Is the problem persisting?

Yes unfortunately:(