Puzzle #2; If the Black knight is able to move, White cannot hope to win. Therefore the forced move for White here is Kxe1 forcing Black into an endless repeat of Queen moves until White decides to remove some of the blockading pawns. The way to checkmate is via c5 and b3 with a knight, and the queen must be on a1. Of course he must remove the pawn on c4 first. White has one chance; he must play either h3 or h4 to put black in zugzwang. Fortunately as spectators we can just analyse every line, and see which wins;
It turns out that 1. Kxe1 Qa1 2. h3!! wins;
2... Qa2 3. h4 Qa1 4. h5 Qa2 5. h6 Qa1 6. h7 Qa2 7. h8=N Qa1 8. Ng6 Qa2 9. Ne5 Qa1 10. Nd7 Qa2 11. Nxc5 Qa1 12. Ne4 Qa2 13. Nd6 Qa1 14. Nxc4 Qa2 15. Na5 1-0
I don't believe I missed anything. If i did, well bummer.
Knights are special pieces. They are colour bound pieces like bishops, but we do not recognise it until we see a puzzle like this. For example, take this puzzle;
Who is winning here? It depends who moves first. If White moves first, it is a draw. If Black moves first, White wins. This is because Knights have two-move cycles between light and dark squares. This is similar to this well known draw;
Guys these are some really hard chess puzzles, if you can solve these, you are, a genius!
By the Way there are collected from YouTube, so if you know the solutions,then most probably, you saw them already!
In all of them, it's white to move
Good Luck!
Puzzle no1:
"Grandmasters and Engines Couldn't Solve This Puzzle. Then Came The Magician". This puzzle was composed by Gijs van Breukelen. It was created in somewhat around 1970 but published in the 1990s. This is one of the hardest puzzles ever composed as leave alone Grandmasters, engines could not solve it either! Everyone thinks that Black is winning with passed pawns and a knights. Yet white can force a win soon....