there's also 29.cxb2 and if 30.Rxb2?? then 30.Rc1# and if 30.g4 then 30.Rc1+ 31.Kg2 31.b1=Q 32.Rxb1 Rxb1
there's also 29.cxb2 and if 30.Rxb2?? then 30.Rc1# and if 30.g4 then 30.Rc1+ 31.Kg2 31.b1=Q 32.Rxb1 Rxb1
Sac sac and mate tactic.
Nice. Would've been even cooler if 17. dxe5 had been played.
Here is an interesting one from one of my old games (my rating -> 1111, opponent's rating -> 1901), although I missed it, the line I found was also crushing
Find the tactical sequence I could've played here to force a promotion and potentially checkmate if Black hadn't sacced his knight and delayed it
Really nice ones, thank you.