Tactics from my games
Another classic endgame:
If it were Black's move, he would lose immediately since he must split up his King and Rook and then get forked.
But it's White's move... so...
ez kg3 h1=Q Ra1#
Yep, fortunately they played Kg1 to give me the nice tactic instead of Kh3.
Find the tactical sequence I could've played here to force a promotion and potentially checkmate if Black hadn't sacced his knight and delayed it
what about 15. Qa7+ followed by 16. Rf8#???
Find the tactical sequence I could've played here to force a promotion and potentially checkmate if Black hadn't sacced his knight and delayed it
what about 15. Qa7+ followed by 16. Rf8#??? for which post is this can you list the post number ?
Black To Move And Draw (find a concrete line that will draw the game)
Nice tactic. Puzzle version:
Find the tactical sequence I could've played here to force a promotion and potentially checkmate if Black hadn't sacced his knight and delayed it
what about 15. Qa7+ followed by 16. Rf8#??? for which post is this can you list the post number ?
It's post #71. What I wrote would've been a shorter way to mate.
Find the tactical way I force a promotion and wins the game !