
Tactical moves "from bots"


Liam (bot with Black) has a Na5 10) Qa4 c6 we can't even consider this move because we think it's immediately losing after 11) b4. In the game Petrosian (bot with White) will play 12) Rac1 11) b4 and the tactical idea that we have difficulty seeing is that the Knight can still go to c4 because 11)....Nc4 12) Bxc4 b5 a pawn fork.

White remains in a winning or advantageous position but imo this is one of the tactical moves "from bots" that we have difficulty seeing.


After 4.Qd1 bxc4 , White can exploit Black's poor pawn structure on the queenside whereas Black has bishop pair for compensation.


I am in a winning or advantageous position (Alchessblitz with Black) but Kanna (bot with White) wanted this position to create a tactical trap that I'm going to fall in 26) Rad1 Rxd1 27) Rxd1 Rxd1 28) Kxd1 by knowing the tactical move "from bot" 28)....c5 and Black will win but 28)....Kh7 logical I want to start by winning the pawn h6 and as there are almost no more pieces I tell myself there is no danger but it is 28)....Kh7 that immediately puts me in a losing position 29) b4 Kxh6 30) c4 I cannot prevent the creation of a passed pawn which will promote itself to Queen


I am in a winning or advantageous position (Alchessblitz with Black) but Kanna (bot with White) wanted this position to create a tactical trap that I'm going to fall in 26) Rad1 Rxd1 27) Rxd1 Rxd1 28) Kxd1 by knowing the tactical move "from bot" 28)....c5 and Black will win but 28)....Kh7 logical I want to start by winning the pawn h6 and as there are almost no more pieces I tell myself there is no danger but it is 28)....Kh7 that immediately puts me in a losing position 29) b4 Kxh6 30) c4 I cannot prevent the creation of a passed pawn which will promote itself to Queen

In this position. After White exchanges all pieces,White has 6 pawns on the board whereas Black has an extra pawn. In that case,Black can usually win the game if there is no any structure weakness(especially double pawns). In reality,the pawn on h6 is a isolated pawn which Black's king is ahead,and the pawn can't promote anyway.Back to the board,White must be careful because Black may try pawn thrust such as b2-b4,c3-c4,and b4-b5 on the queenside and try to create a passed pawn.This is the only chance for Black to fight for winning,so Black must stop White play b4 by 28)...c5. After 29.b4 cxb4 30.cxb4,Black can easily to stop White playing b5 by c6! ,two pawns guard b5 so that Black don't have to concern White to create a passed pawn,Black has the winning position. In my viewpoint,Black play c5 as a precaution,which is more a defensive move than a tactical trap.


The position is losing for Odile (bot with White) and we have the impression that there is no longer any hope but Odile will think of a tactical idea that will change the situation 31) Qc2 Qxd6 32) Qb3 obviously just play 32)....Kg7 and it's game over for Odile but as the Knight h4 is traped and as "the King g1 is weak" that encourages to make the mistake 32)...Qf4 33) Bg8+ Kg7 33)...Kh8 34) Nxg6+ can go checkmate but also win the Queen 34) Qf7+ Kh8 35) Qh7#


In this position played between two bots (Fine vs Dobie) I didn't manage to suspect this tactical idea 9) Bxa6 and the second move which is very strong and difficult to find imo is 15) e5

SolSurvivorOP wrote:

After 4.Qd1 bxc4 , White can exploit Black's poor pawn structure on the queenside whereas Black has bishop pair for compensation.

It's obviously better to play Nxb5 (or Bxb5), and white is up 2 pawns.

SolSurvivorOP wrote:

After 4.Qd1 bxc4 , White can exploit Black's poor pawn structure on the queenside whereas Black has bishop pair for compensation.

It's obviously better to play Nxb5 (or Bxb5), and white is up 2 pawns.

Ohh yeah.I didn't notice. Although Black may exchange on f3 in the future and create some weakness,White can easily defend it.


A tactical trap where we tend to be fooled then as Tarrasch (bot with White) is a bot, he chooses a complicated way to win leading to other tactical themes.

10)....Na6 Wendy (bot with Black) "thinks" it is not possible to play 11) b4 because 11)...Bxb4 12) axb4 Qxa1 win the Rook but the problem is then the Queen finds herself trapped 13) Qb3 Nc7 and now as human we are going to play 14) Ba3 and it will be game over.


I (I'm with Black) lost against Odile (bot with White) on the tactical that will follow 22) Rcd1 Rxc6 23) Rd7 Rc7 I had planned that and I thought I'm ok then 24) g3 and it's game over because 24)...Nxg3 25) Rexe7+ or 24)...Qxf3 25) Rxc7 and of course 25)...Nxg6 26) Rexe7+


7) Nh4 a very difficult move to envisage with a very concrete tactical idea.


The theme of the "trapped Queen" is an important theme because notably Max (bot with Black) made the tactical mistake.


I just played a game against Odile (she plays with White) who found some" little moves with a tactical idea".

11) Rb1 Rb8 I would have played 11...Qc8 if I had seen. The position is strange because I am quite well developed which is not really the case for Odile and his tactical move I doubt it gives her a better position 12) Rxb7 Rxb7 13) Bxc6 Rb6 14) Bg2 Qd7 this move played quickly weakens my position. I have in mind to notably exchange his Bishop of the square light but I see 15) Nf3 e4 16) Ng5 that annoys me 15) e4 it's the kind of "little move with a tactical idea" that seems harmless but does harm 15)...Rfb8 16) Nf3 the idea is to block e5 then 16)...Qd6 is not possible because 17) c5 and 16)...Ng4 17) h3 Nh6 18) Nxe5 16)...Bh3 17) Nxe5 Qe6 18) Bxh3 Qxh3 19) d3 Qg2 20) Rf1 h5 21) c5 the second "little move with a tactical idea", Odile frees the c4 square to give this square to her Queen who will attack the weak point on f7 22)...Rb1 I try to play active without really knowing because if I play passive I'm sur it will be game over
