Simple Mate in Five
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Do you mean that instead of 3... Rxf7, black could make the move 3... Kg8 and keep his rook at f8?
3. Bxf7 wouldn't work beacause the white bishop has been taken by the black queen. If you mean 4. Qxf7 (instead of 4. Qd8+), it would not be a "mate in five" beacause black could move his h-file pawn forward, and the white queen would need help (perhaps from one of the rooks) to mate.
Of course, I might be missing something. Please explain if I am. Thank you for your input.
no, he means that after white's first move, black moves the king to h8 and there is no mate in five!
also, after white checks at f7 with his knight, black plays king to g8. then the quickest mate is 4. Nh6++ Kh8 5. Qg8+ Kxg8 6. Nf7. but that's a mate in six.
The problem that you mentioned in your second paragraph (king to g8) was the only problem I saw when looking the puzzle over for a second time after jefe5000's response. Obviously, though, the puzzle has more problems than that. I thank the three of you who have responded thus far for making me aware of the flaws that, admitedly, I should have caught before posting the puzzle.
It looks like its time to go back to the drawing board...
The next puzzle will be better, I promise!
ok folks, this is my first post and my first puzzle. Hope you like it!