Simple 9s
The knight looping is very clever. And very difficult.
Thank you my friend. I am glad you like the puzzle although Master @Arisktotle will be sad because of the regulations that he likes are being neglected.
You are right in that! Only they are not my regulations but those of the entire composition community. The main principle behind it is that mastery is demonstrated with limited means. Like it is easy to build a nice country retreat when you have a million dollars to spend but more masterful when you do it with just 10% of that amount. The only reason you do not use a 20x20 chessboard for your own constructions as well is that the puzzle-interface won't help you manage that abomination Btw, you can do anything in the fairy chess domain provided the ideas are clearly unrealizable in orthodox chess!
Still, the first constrruction is quite nice and dualfree. If only you could get rid of pawn #9 ...
... Still, the first construction is quite nice and dualfree. If only you could get rid of pawn #9 ...
Oh... if only it was that Simple... but the Germans would say: "Nine"...
I think for the first one that Sergei Prokofiev's "Dance of the knights" from his "Romeo and Juliet" Ballet would be more appropriate, especially since Prokofiev was a fine chess player himself .
... Still, the first construction is quite nice and dualfree. If only you could get rid of pawn #9 ...
Oh... if only it was that Simple... but the Germans would say: "Nine"...
Well, actually it is that simple. Here is an example featuring the same content as your version. I only changed it from "endgame study" to "checkmate problem" to eliminate a longer solution but that is a standard technique among composers. Much better than allowing an illegal position. But I could probably keep the "endgame study" as well if I spend more time on it.
Master your solution is great, however try to see if it can be done without adding an extra piece. Oh that would be real great! As said before, that is not simple though...
Actually, I added 2 pieces! Simple is not about what is added to the position (you made that up) but about how simple it is for an accomplished composer to make your solution work - legally. Since your technique is lacking you didn't see the standard device - the piece pin - which is used in a million compositions to replace a blocking pawn on an escape square - if the pawn is a problem.
Master, when I said "piece", it is a reference to the white bishop. I do not care for the black "piece", actually with regards to black pieces, the more the merrier, I would say. However if I had the "skills" I would ALSO remove the "simple" white pawn, ehem... I mean the "single" white pawn, also, not adding more. Simple yet... not...
Nevertheless, I am glad that you found a way to make it a legit, one. Obliged!
In the end, I do not want to make puzzles based on skills only. For me the rules of making them is a bit more eclectic as you might know.
"Eclectic" is a high-brow term raising expectations which crash the second you take them into illegal territory. Instead of showing you are capable of combining various component types in a realistic and effective product, you do the exact opposite. You show instead that you are not capable of creating a functional whole from the heterogeneous parts. It is the same as creating a moon and then admit to that it doesn't work in our universe. It's not an achievement.