Edit: and YES i know I was supposed to take the queen in that specific puzzle but there are 1100-1200 rated puzzles where you have to escape check and I usually struggle.
Really annoying thing in chess puzzles that you've probably been affected by before...
I’m 1306 and struggle on these puzzles so it’s obvious that it’s hard for you...often,in these puzzles,you have a threat and a check is the only way to defend,the goal is to make it impossible for him to check you.just calculate,like,3,4 or 5 moves and see if he has checks at that point.
https://www.chess.com/puzzles/problem/1181048 <--- Here's a chess puzzle. It might be 200-300 rated but when I was playing puzzle rush and I struggled on it.
It's annoying because there's SO many possibilities
Is this a joke? There are only 2 legal moves for white.
https://www.chess.com/puzzles/problem/1181048 <--- Here's a chess puzzle. It might be 200-300 rated but when I was playing puzzle rush and I struggled on it.
It's annoying because there's SO many possibilities
Is this a joke? There are only 2 legal moves for white.
I'm aware that that puzzle had only 2 legal moves but what I'm saying is that there are harder puzzles out there with 5+ ways to escape check and I don't know what to do, and I can't check for the puzzle theme especially in puzzle rush.
Something I like to do is go through all possible moves. If I don't see the answer within 1-2 minutes, it's because the answer is not obvious right away. So if I go through the logical moves but it don't feel right (you'll get that the more puzzles you do) I look at one or 2 moves that make zero sense and look deeper into it. And if I get the first move I'll take another 1-2 minuets studying why. Now my puzzle rating flux between 2100-2300 like for example a piece will be in danger and it's not so clear what to do with it... but what if I sac it? Keep at it everyday and you'll get better.
https://www.chess.com/puzzles/problem/1181048 <--- Here's a chess puzzle. It might be 200-300 rated but when I was playing puzzle rush and I struggled on it.
It's annoying because there's SO many possibilities
Is this a joke? There are only 2 legal moves for white.
I'm aware that that puzzle had only 2 legal moves but what I'm saying is that there are harder puzzles out there with 5+ ways to escape check and I don't know what to do, and I can't check for the puzzle theme especially in puzzle rush.
It's impossible to know what to say to you. You show a puzzle with one obvious move, and say you know that. So show us something you do struggle with, then we might be able to suggest how you move forward.
And here it is...
You do realize that you could just block the check, right?
That's a good example. Insanely difficult for that rating. Normally, a puzzle rated 400 is an obvious mate-in-1.
https://www.chess.com/puzzles/problem/1103450 what abt this one... i block check with knight, and tried to protect the knight with the king
the thing is I suck at defense, perpetual check puzzles ;-;
https://www.chess.com/puzzles/problem/1103450 what abt this one... i block check with knight, and tried to protect the knight with the king
the thing is I suck at defense, perpetual check puzzles ;-;
The aim of this puzzle was for the White King to stop getting checked. Only after White stops getting checked can it counterattack with checks to the Black King. So, the best strategy is to hide behind a piece by blocking the check with the Knight. After the 2nd check, the White King has two legal moves. It could move to e1 but that could lead to a draw via threefold repetition if the Black Queen kept checking on the same squares. Alternately, moving to d1 draws the Black Knight to f2 to give check. Now, e1 becomes a safe square to land on and stops any further checks.
https://www.chess.com/puzzles/problem/1103450 what abt this one... i block check with knight, and tried to protect the knight with the king
the thing is I suck at defense, perpetual check puzzles ;-;
The aim of this puzzle was for the White King to stop getting checked. Only after White stops getting checked can it counterattack with checks to the Black King. So, the best strategy is to hide behind a piece by blocking the check with the Knight. After the 2nd check, the White King has two legal moves. It could move to e1 but that could lead to a draw via threefold repetition if the Black Queen kept checking on the same squares. Alternately, moving to d1 draws the Black Knight to f2 to give check. Now, e1 becomes a safe square to land on and stops any further checks.
The question is not if the puzzle is good or not. The question is the rating. A 400-rated puzzle is mate-in-1 or mate-in-2 or taking a free queen or something like that. An elaborate sequence of defensive moves should be 1400, not 400.
The question is not if the puzzle is good or not. The question is the rating. A 400-rated puzzle is mate-in-1 or mate-in-2 or taking a free queen or something like that. An elaborate sequence of defensive moves should be 1400, not 400.
The puzzle I responded to was rated 1761. Which puzzle are you referring to with a rating of 400?
The other one. Sorry about that.
What I've noticed about puzzle rush survival is that the first few puzzles are solved in one move. Hence their low rating. So, if #1181048 (Rating 285) appeared early in puzzle rush I'd be expecting that not much calculation was required and the solution was likely one move. In that puzzle, the White King is checked and if the King steps away from the check the Black Queen can capture the White Queen on the same diagonal. Since that would be winning for Black, the correct solution must be White Queen captures Black Queen.
The other one. Sorry about that.
I agree that #2348300 is harder (Rating 412) because more calculation is required. I think we can agree that the White Queen must stay on the g-file to defend the passed pawn. Also, if the White King is always defending the White Queen then it can recapture if ever Black chooses to trade Queens. That's unlikely to happen because the passed pawn would immediately promote and be winning. Based on that, White's first move must be to block the check with the Queen rather than the King stepping away from check.
https://www.chess.com/puzzles/problem/1181048 <--- Here's a chess puzzle. It might be 200-300 rated but when I was playing puzzle rush and I struggled on it.
It's because when I'm playing puzzle rush and I ran into a puzzle like this I hate solving puzzles where My king HAS TO ESCAPE CHECK. It's annoying because there's SO many possibilities and I know there is a point behind the right answer but I have no idea what the point is because I'm not skilled enough to understand that.