Good puzzle
It's horribly bad. 2. Qb8+(???) throws away the queen and the win. Kxb8 and black wins.
And almost every other move would win for white.
The OP doesn't know what a puzzle is.
You know you don't have to say plain rude stuff like that
Also I was in school during the making of this so I ofc didn't have my mind 100% on this
I now realize after that Nc7+ is a better move; the rook can't take bc I can do Qg8+ (M2)
And if Kb8 I will move the knight discovered check then I will eventually win the rook
Why can’t he be ”rude” and why are you making excuses? Also, the analysis again here is flawed, because the rook cannot take simply because it cannot take, and kb8 is the only legal move.
Yeah I get that but like I said I didn't have time to do any of that
even tho i messed up and SOMEONE (@magipi) had to seek thru every single mistake i had
but whatever, thanks
@magipi is right in every respect. There is no excuse to post a flawed puzzle in 2024 with plenty of chess engines available to test it before posting it. It shows just total disrespect for the solver who puts in his effort to solve it and is wasting his time. The standard for puzzle quality is only perfection. Which implies you do need to repair every error pointed out correctly. And THANK the critic for that!
I mean, I was in school and had 3 minutes left till class was over so I had to rush
I was allowed to play chess btw
I know he's right but he didn't have to complain as much as he did lol