
Puzzle: No Room For Air


Qg7# (White moves the queen to g7, checking Black's king)

Good puzzle


black can kill quin with king

dfhyhfdeyisjeyfufhy wrote:

black can kill quin with king

Yes, that is true, but then White can push the pawns and later make a queen then win the endgame

mahmoud_besher7 wrote:

Good puzzle

It's horribly bad. 2. Qb8+(???) throws away the queen and the win. Kxb8 and black wins.

And almost every other move would win for white.

The OP doesn't know what a puzzle is.

mahmoud_besher7 wrote:

Good puzzle



kxb8 wins the game

magipi wrote:
mahmoud_besher7 wrote:

Good puzzle

It's horribly bad. 2. Qb8+(???) throws away the queen and the win. Kxb8 and black wins.

And almost every other move would win for white.

The OP doesn't know what a puzzle is.

You know you don't have to say plain rude stuff like that

Also I was in school during the making of this so I ofc didn't have my mind 100% on this

I now realize after that Nc7+ is a better move; the rook can't take bc I can do Qg8+ (M2)

And if Kb8 I will move the knight discovered check then I will eventually win the rook


The funniest is that white had mate in 3: Nc7+, Na6+, Qb8 mate.

Instead let's throw away a rook and a queen and lose.

magipi wrote:

The funniest is that white had mate in 3: Nc7+, Na6+, Qb8 mate.

Instead let's throw away a rook and a queen and lose.

Just bc you think you're "so good" doesn't mean you can just criticize everyone below you

You just make fun of others to make you feel better about yourself


It's not a huge deal; you act like it's the end of the world because I made one little mistake

Who cares? It's just one puzzle! If I gave you this situation and you had 10 seconds to move, you'd probably blunder too, like in this position. This has happened to me on the board before, but it worked out because of smothered mate.

I just wanted to make a puzzle, and I was just having fun

You didn't have to ruin it but you did anyway

BuiltDifferent_23 wrote:
magipi wrote:

The funniest is that white had mate in 3: Nc7+, Na6+, Qb8 mate.

Instead let's throw away a rook and a queen and lose.

Just bc you think you're "so good" doesn't mean you can just criticize everyone below you

You just make fun of others to make you feel better about yourself

Dude, your "puzzle" is the worst puzzle ever. Every move wins, and somehow you manage to lose. Of course people will make fun of you.

medelpad wrote:

kxb8 wins the game

Oh, and yes I know that now

Someone definitely made sure I knew that

magipi wrote:
BuiltDifferent_23 wrote:
magipi wrote:

The funniest is that white had mate in 3: Nc7+, Na6+, Qb8 mate.

Instead let's throw away a rook and a queen and lose.

Just bc you think you're "so good" doesn't mean you can just criticize everyone below you

You just make fun of others to make you feel better about yourself

Dude, your "puzzle" is the worst puzzle ever. Every move wins, and somehow you manage to lose. Of course people will make fun of you.

And somehow you manage to make making fun out of people look like a miserable attempt to get at someone

magipi wrote:

The funniest is that white had mate in 3: Nc7+, Na6+, Qb8 mate.

Instead let's throw away a rook and a queen and lose.

Oh, and I just made a new puzzle, so go ahead and go to that one and criticize it as well

It's Puzzle: The Thrill of A Win

Complain about it all you want


Good puzzle.

santii015 wrote:

Good puzzle.


even tho i messed up and SOMEONE (@magipi) had to seek thru every single mistake i had

but whatever, thanks

BuiltDifferent_23 wrote:


even tho i messed up and SOMEONE (@magipi) had to seek thru every single mistake i had

but whatever, thanks

@magipi is right in every respect. There is no excuse to post a flawed puzzle in 2024 with plenty of chess engines available to test it before posting it. It shows just total disrespect for the solver who puts in his effort to solve it and is wasting his time. The standard for puzzle quality is only perfection. Which implies you do need to repair every error pointed out correctly. And THANK the critic for that!

BuiltDifferent_23 wrote:
magipi wrote:
mahmoud_besher7 wrote:

Good puzzle

It's horribly bad. 2. Qb8+(???) throws away the queen and the win. Kxb8 and black wins.

And almost every other move would win for white.

The OP doesn't know what a puzzle is.

You know you don't have to say plain rude stuff like that

Also I was in school during the making of this so I ofc didn't have my mind 100% on this

I now realize after that Nc7+ is a better move; the rook can't take bc I can do Qg8+ (M2)

And if Kb8 I will move the knight discovered check then I will eventually win the rook

Why can’t he be ”rude” and why are you making excuses? Also, the analysis again here is flawed, because the rook cannot take simply because it cannot take, and kb8 is the only legal move.