
PUZZLE in History: "Unknown Composer"


Unknown player. But famous Puzzle in history. 

List down your shortest solution to checkmate the black.

"WHITE" to move 



I believe the solution should start with 1. Rg8 Rxg8 2. g7 ...

I am in a hurry to go somewhere but will try the solution in the evening. Puzzle looks good.

1.Rg8 Rxg8 2.Rh8 Rxh8(2...Kf8 3.g7+)3.g7 Rg8 4.h7 Rxg7 5.h8(Q)+ Rg8 6. Qxg8#

Going by what vinodagnihotri started

1. Rg8 Rxg8 2. g7 Rxg7 (Rf8 3. Rh8 Rxh8 4. Qxh8# ) 3. Rh8+ Rg8 4. Rxg8

I can't see any way for balck to stall the mate for more then 4 steps.  



lol this looks like an impossible never going to happen end game scenario.

solution: 1. Rg7-g8 Rf8xg8 2. Pg6-g7 Nc6-d4 3. K-h3 Q-e4 4. Rh7-h8 Q-e6(ch) K-h4 Q-e1(ch)

this is a cool puzzle but i gots to leave it for now i wish i had a chess board i would have done it faster and probably have more to finish it if not done maby i'll do it later


Looks like no one get the correct answer.


The move starts with 1.Rf7. Black has these moves: (1...Rxf7 2.gxf7+ Kf8 3.Rh8#) Or (1...Rg8 2.Rh8 Rxh8 (forced) 3.g7 Rg8 4.h7 and wins. Or if after 1.Rf7 Black moves any other piece other than his fRook, then 2.Rxf8+ Kxf8 3.Rh8#. 


yup, there are lot of solutions here, but we are looking for the shortest checkmate, considering that black has to move the safest or right move.


After 1.Rf7, I don't see much hope for Black. 

If Black ignores the Rook, and moves the Knight on c6, threatening mate in 1, then 2. RxR  KxR, then 3. Rh8 mates.

If Black takes the Rook, then 2.g7 wins after 2.... anymove, 3.  Rh8  Rf8, 4. RxR mates.

Blacks only "real" chance (not really) is 1...Rg8, but this is also refuted by 2.g7, since if the Rook leaves the back rank with 2...RxR, then, as before, 3. Rh8 etc. but if Rook moves, then it's mate after the pawn takes the Rook and if Black moves the Kniight or whatever, then its 3. Rf8  RxR, 4. p=QxR  KxQ and 5. Rh8 mates.



C'mon people. Its easy. 1.Rf7 RxR 2.gxf7+  Kf8 3.Rh8#

that's not easy..... if 1. Rf7... then black moves ... Rg8... that's not easy, it will take more long process to mate black...

i'll try... 1.Rf7 Rg8 2.g7 black will find a way going out of the situation...therefore he moves ...Rd7 3.Rf8+ RxRf8 4.gxRf8-Q KxQf8 5.Rh8# ( if 2...Rxg7 3.Rh8+ Rg8 4.RxRg8#)

pretty good puzzle... easy by the looks but...

Now!, let's see if I can give a bonus points for the winner.Laughing
i think black will not checkmate in 4 or 5 move because black can move the rook to d7 and king can move to d8 then c7
Solution should be 1.Rf7-any move by black ( ....Rxf7 2.gxf7+ Kf8 3.Rh8 + mate) 2. Rxf8+ Kxf8 3. Rh8 + mate ( ....Rg8 2. g7- any move by black 3. Rf8+ Rxf8 4. gxRf8-Q+ Kxf8 5. Rh8+ mate)

zyralle, got it. But this is my solution 1.Rf7 Rg8 2.g7 Nd4 3.Rf8+ RxRf8 4.gxRf8=Q KxQf8 5.Rh8#

2. ...Nd4 is the best for black, chance to checkmate white in one(1) move.

alas, another forgotten forum...