5rk1/5pp1/p3b2p/4p1b1/1P3n2/P1r1BB1P/2PR1PP1/2R3K1 w - - 5 23
Playing as black, White's move is a4.
I remember one of the guys during the daily puzzle said to share puzzles when we come across them. Just had this today and wanted to share . Let me know if there is a different/better way to do so
5rk1/5pp1/p3b2p/4p1b1/1P3n2/P1r1BB1P/2PR1PP1/2R3K1 w - - 5 23
Playing as black, White's move is a4.
I remember one of the guys during the daily puzzle said to share puzzles when we come across them. Just had this today and wanted to share . Let me know if there is a different/better way to do so