post your chess puzzles here
My signature Mate in 11
This is actually a very cool puzzle. In almost all moves there is only one correct continuation (except one move).
Here are some REALLY hard mate in 1s
White to play and mate in 1 👆👆👆
White to play 👆👆👆
Black to play 👆👆👆
Have fun !'s game will blow your mind
What the heck? Is this a bug on my side? Or am I supposed to be able to move for both white and black?
Wouldn't 1. Qxe8!! be the best move?
Well if you capture the king, since it's not checkmate, the game can go on because you win by checkmate, not capturing the king, and black CANNOT lose if they don't have a king that can be checkmated, therefore making white not be able to win.